March 06, 2010


March 06, 2010
So...I had my first paranormal experience this past week! I was house sitting for my best friend Stuart's family. Stuart's grandmother, Fluffy, died in that house this past Christmas. She's TOTALLY still there! She touched me. The place where her bed was when she died is extremely cold compared to the rest of the house. I could smell her and there was all these creepy ass noises! Penky walked by her room and swore up and down that he saw a face reflecting in the TV. I also dreamt of her. I NEVER dream. Ever. And when I do, it's ALWAYS a night terror. This was a good dream. A happy dream. I woke up feeling GREAT! Crazy shit. I don't even know what to do with that shit.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is my grandma's birthday! WOOT! The whole fam is coming over but I'll be at work. Sad panda. I'm going to do all the mise en place for the ratatouille so mom will have an easy time cooking it tomorrow evening. She better not screw it up! LOL! She's gotta make it good for my netzie!

Anyways, More later.

February 25, 2010

My Twitter Besties

February 25, 2010
So there's these girls right? And they're amazing. They go by the names of Caro, Rachel, Jen, Angel, Vanelis, Tiana and Sammi. These girls are AMAZING! I love them with all my heart and I swear on everything I own that I will meet each and every one of them one day. They have all helped to mold me into the person I am today. They've given me strength to accomplish impossible tasks and have been my shoulder to cry on when I failed. I love you all so much. <3

February 09, 2010


February 09, 2010
Well, I haven't posted in a while. Mostly because I've been so god damned busy! Fucking A life has been crazy! Therapy is going good. Scary, but good. Work is work. School is amazing, as always. Tomorrow I have my exam! EEP! I'm deathly afraid. Scared out of my mind! I really wanna do extremely well but I'm afraid I wont. I guess we'll see huh?! Anyways. Not much going on besides that. Oh! Saturday we had game night at my house. My whole fam was over. I got shitfaced and puked. Yup. I had apple chunks coming out of my nose. Bad news bears. Well, that's about it!

Love Ya'll!

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