January 05, 2010

Girl on the Verge

January 05, 2010
I AM a girl on the verge. On the verge of greatness and discovery. I AM discovering who I am. I KNOW who I want to be. I KNOW how to get there - and with the help of my family and friends, I am learning that I am capable of MUCH more than I thought. I AM on the verge of greatness. I WILL change the world one day. Even if it's just one persons world. I WILL make a difference. I WILL do something meaningful, fantastic, amazing and innovative with my life. I WILL be special. I WILL be different. People will know who I am. I AM destined to do amazing things. I am NOT going to sit back and do nothing.

Thank you Tina, Becky, Kenny and Stuart for making me realize this and never giving up on me - even though I gave up on myself time and time again.


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