November 07, 2009


November 07, 2009
It's been way too long since I've updated this! lol. Wedding plans are going splendid...Kenny and I are loving every minute of being engaged! I started school about a month ago. The Art Institute! I love it. I'm going for culinary arts. It feels like home to me. My life feels complete again. I'm just as happy now as I was in high school! I'm bubbly and giddy again! It feels so good to have the old me back! It feels so good to be living a dream. My passion is becoming my career! When I go to school, it's like nothing else in the world matters. My entire life is falling apart aside from school and Kenny and I just don't care. At least while I'm at school. I've never been so happy in my entire life! I could have never dreamed that I could have all of this! Life is...perfect. That's the best way I can describe it...


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