August 10, 2009

3 days til NC!!!

August 10, 2009

I am sooooo unbelievably excited to go to North Carolina. To finally see where I'm going to be living in a couple years. It's gonna be so much fun. There's supposed to be scattered thunderstorms pretty much the whole time we're there but I'm hoping they'll just blow over. I wanna spend the week on the beach reading a book. :) That sounds perfect and all but Ken says there's sand spiders o.O GROSS! I'll have to bring a chair so I don't have to lay on the sand. I'm just so excited I can't wait! Kenny said he was going to take me on a date while we're there. Hopefully it's special. Knowing him..It will be. He's so good to me. I don't deserve him. I went and saw him on his lunch last night/this morning at 1 am. I have to go to work soon and I'm dreading it. I hate my job. I would say "at least it pays the bills" but it doesn't even do that. So I've discovered that I absolutely love Salvador Dali. Everything he has ever painted is absolutely genius! I get this feeling deep inside when I look at his art that is indescribable. It's like I feel angry, sad, happy and excited all at the same time. It's this rush of emotions and I love it. My house will be filled with his art, when I get a house. Lol. I hope Ken likes his works. I think he will because of how odd they are. Salvador Dali is a fucking genius!
I miss Becky, Gerianne, and Marie. Those girls are so much fun. When I'm with them, it's like I don't have to think about everything that stresses me and worries me. They just consistently make me laugh and smile and there's no room in my little brain for worries. I can't wait to see them when I get back from NC and tell them all about it. I also can't wait to go to Chicago and visit Becky! She's going to do so well there. She's so smart, talented and perfect! Chicago is the kind of place that she needs to be to succeed. Michigan sucks! Well... It's about time for me to get ready for work!


Anonymous said...

I hate to burst your bubble, but it appears that I will not be able to go to chicago unless I get a miracle. My school took away my grants and scholarships because of the fact that I wont be in the city. :( I am destroyed right now. but i still love you

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