August 10, 2009

Dear Diary

August 10, 2009
So I basically just need a place to vent. Life is very stressful right now. I need to get my school finished so I can start making some money and pay off some bills! I miss my Stuart. He's in a submarine, who knows where, hundreds or thousands of feet under the sea. Kenny is my life right now. I wouldn't be here without him. The only reason I wake up everyday is him. I can't wait until I can call him my husband. That will be the most fan-fucking-tabulous day of my life. I really don't deserve him. He is WAY too good to me. I'm about to leave and go visit him on his lunch at work...just thinking about seeing him gives me butterflies in my belly :) I hope he reads this! lol. I'll have to let him know I made a blog so he can keep tabs on me :* hahaha. Just kidding. That boy is the most trusting person I've ever known. He lets me do whatever I want whenever I want to. He's not the least bit jealous. I need that in a man because I am independent to a fault. I can't handle anybody who thinks they can or will control me. Fuck that. I don't need people like that in my life! AH! I just saw a guy on Making the Band who is from Detroit! No fucking way! That's funny. :) I hate this show. I don't even know why it's on right now. I'm sure I'll have all sorts of fun stories coming up in the next few days...I have a lot do to before NC on THURSDAY!!!!!


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