August 11, 2009

Another Day

August 11, 2009
So today when I woke up I was sick to my stomach! I've felt like shit and had the monk all day. If you know what the monk is you also know that the monkey ain't no joke! I hate my fucking job. It's lame. I got home and packed for NC though. I cannot wait. I am sooooo excited. I miss my parents and my sister though. Being in this huge old house all by myself is kinda scary. I couldn't sleep last night because I just kept hearing noises and stupid samdog wouldn't quit scratching at my door! Dogs and their stupid separation anxiety. Ugh. Ken and Jason just went out to pick up Julie and I some food. Aren't we lucky! I hope my parents are having fun camping. I know Tina is having fun. Especially since she's with Josh and hasn't seen him in like 2 weeks. She took a train to NY and it took like 16 hours or some bull shit. That sucks! I got some devastating news about my best friend last night. I wish there were something I could do to help but unless I can come up with nine grand right now, which I can't, then unfortunately there is nothing I can do. It sucks cuz she's done so much for me and the 1 time that I could help her I can't. It's kinda making me feel like shit. I'm sorry I can't help you Becky. You know I would if I could. :*( Well...I'm gonna wait for the boys and watch a movie! 2 DAYS!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

YOU DONT HAVE TO HELP!!!!!! I DID IT!!!!! :) you better come visit me! I love you!

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