August 14, 2009


August 14, 2009

So I went to bed at 11 last night cuz I hadn't slept in 36 hours so here I am at 8 am swingin on the front porch watchin the rain. It's beautiful here even with the rain. All the boys are still sleepin. Brandon went to bed before I did but I'm not sure when the other boys fell asleep. I don't remember Kenny coming to bed so I must really have been out! I needed a good night rest. Nickey poo is supposed to be getting up at 9 and we're going on an adventure to find a coffee shop. We need some internet so he can find out where all the dexcing places are. I just knew I'd be up so I thought I'd tag along. I love the sound and smell of rain. :) One of the neighbors just came out and asked if we brought the weather with us! We might have. Besides the warmth it is a lot like Michigan weather. There's a lot of bugs here in NC. I came into the bathroom yesterday when we got here and there was a huge cockroach in the toilet. I've never seen a cockroach before! It was like 2 inches long! Gross. I flushed him. Then there's this spider living in the tree outside and he's the size of a silver dollar! I LOATH spiders. They are disgusting creatures! It's raining harder now and I'm loving it. Melissa says that's what I get for going without her! She could have come. I didn't care. It was her brothers she had to convince! The neighborhood were staying in is very peaceful and quiet. Its right on the marina...probably a bunch of old folks. I think were gonna end up going to the aquarium if this weather hold up. That's cool with me! I love fishies! Hopefully they have sharks. I love that everyone talks with southern accents down here. I'm probably gonna come back with one! Lol. I don't know if I'll have time to go see Becky one more time before she leaves! I have a couple days off but she's a pretty busy lady ya know! I am going to make an effort though. Try to work something out.  My parents are officially home from their camping trip! They had a ton of fun! Tina will be home from New York on the 18th and I'll be back on the 20th. Everything will be back to normal!


Anonymous said...

:) I love your positivity!!! and I love you!!!

Kandee said...

I love you too :)

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