August 14, 2009

I am the Queen!

August 14, 2009

So today I got up at 7:30 since I went to bed so early. I spent my morning outside on the swing until 9 when Nick got up. We went on an adventure! We drove to the nearest Starbucks (20 mins) to get some coffe and free wi-fi. Well this Starbucks had no internet! Are you fucking kidding me?! I thought /every/ Starbucks had it! Lame. Well anyway we spen a couple hours going to places to find internet. We finally found some at a Dunkin Donuts. When we came home I woke Kenny up to go grocery shoppin! Fun stuff. When we got back I tried yo make lunch. I was frying up some taters and they turned to mush. Don't ask me how, we were all baffled by it but they looked like grits! The boys wanted to go to the beach but I wasn't in the mood so I dropped em off and went exploring. I explored ALL the surrounding cities only to find a couple antique shops. It was relaxing though. When I picked the boys up they were hungry so we went back home and I made spagetti. Not that shit out of a can, I made 100% homemade spagetti sauce. And guess what? Do you know what happens when you cook a group of 5 men a great meal? They do dishes. That's right. I got 5 guys to do dishes for me! I have to be the queen! All I need is a throne and tiara! It was awesome! I should have gotten a picture. While they were doin dishes I was sittin outside on the swing talkin to my mom with a glass of wine and a cig. Doesn't get much better than that!The boys wanted ice cream after they did the dishes so while they were out I took a nice hot candlelit bath with a glass of wine! I'm a miracle worker!


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