January 18, 2010


January 18, 2010

SAMMI! There are so many things I can say about this girl! First and foremost, she's the SHIT! That's the most important thing. I think Sam and I were meant to meet. We were meant to be sisters. Regardless of our age difference, we have a lot in common. We've been through a lot of shit. We know what it's like to be broken.

Anybody who knows me knows that I know broken all too well. I had to grow up at a very young age. I never got to be a child. I matured very quickly and skipped that part of my life. Sam is bringing that back to me. I always felt that I missed out on something special. Something that every other kid gets to experience but I got stolen from me. She brings out the child in me. Talking to her allows me to be free. No stress over relationships, money, family....nothing. I feel free when I talk to her. That might sound weird, and ya'll probably don't understand but it is what it is.

Regardless of the distance between us, and the fact that we've never actually met in real life, I've become extremely close to Sam. She's so easy to talk to. I come to her when I have a problem because she can give me a non-biased opinion. Lately, that's been extremely helpful. I think I do the same for her. It's easy for me to relate to the problems she's having because I've been there. I've already lived through the drama and horror of middle school. The bitchy teachers, backstabbing friends, first love and heartbreak.

Sam is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. She's honest, smart, funny as hell and gorgeous! She's also one of the most thoughtful people I have ever met. Not to be corny, but she's truly beautiful on the inside and out. She's an amazing person and I'm honored to say that she's my friend. Yet again, we've never met but she's done so much for me! She's started a notebook for me, which has really turned into a doodlebook, but it holds all of our memories together. She also painted a picture of me! I'm so excited about that because not only did she use my favorite color, but she used my favorite art form! Damned bitch knows me too well!

The crazy thing about Sam and I's friendship is that we met online. Yes, we met through twitter. Who would have thought that you could meet a lifelong friend through twitter! I mean, it's fucking twitter! LMAO. None the less, I cannot wait for 6 years from now! I can't wait to meet this fabulous woman! She's truly amazing. I can't wait for her to move in with Kenny and I. I can't wait for us to do our first art project together and paint her room! I can't wait to move to Paris and study photography!

Whatever the future holds for us, I know it will be great. I know that when we do finally meet, everything will fall into place and we'll be happy! I honestly believe, with all my heart, that Sam and I will be friends forever. I love you Sammi. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being strong and not falling into all the bullshit that you-know-who is trying to cause. Thank you for accepting me and being one of the best friends I have ever had.


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